Youtube: My foundation routine for everyday look - Kathy version

Hi beautiful,

I found a lot of trick from Feli, especially for dry skin.
And I think,  I must share this info with you guys. 
My foundation routine was quite simple.
I'm not using a lot of concealer, because too much of concealer can cause cakey face. 
I will uploading my special occasion foundation routine soon.
So, I hope this will be helpful and enjoy ^^


song: SOME - soyou ft junggigo



  1. wahhh,,, makasih kak,,, nambah wawasan jadinya,,, kak,,, aku boleh minta email kakak gk ? soalnya aku juga ikutin lady fox make up blog ka trus aku liat kakak lagi cari temen buat bagi shipping fee kan ? aku tertarik kakk,,, heheheh kasih tau aku yah klo kakak setuju emai aku : makasih kak

  2. @iecha mix okai say ^^ ntar 15 April aku ad order d lady fox lagi
